Native American Art, and pyrography on wood can be a beautiful combination. The Knothole is featuring its first in a series of 4, of Great American Indian Chiefs. Highlighting the Native American Era, and its rich history is Geronimo, the first in the artists Great Chiefs Series. Geronimo is featured on a basswood plaque with bark. Using the art of pyrography the famous image of Geronimo kneeling with rifle in 1887 is burned into the wooden plaque.
A serene portrait of an American legend and great warrior, Geronimo was a leader of the Chiricahua Apache Indian tribe in times of war against the white settlers and against Mexico, fiercely protecting his people and land. He was known among the white settlers as "The worst Indian who ever lived", because of his ruthlessness in battle and the ability to escape each capture. One of his more famous escapes is known today and you can visit Geronimo's Cave in New Mexico where his magickal escape occurred.
This basswood plaque is approximately 8" x 9" inches and is finished with the bark intact. An acrylic clear is used to fix the surface of the pyrogrpahy wood art, and secures bark to keep from flaking. The clear is a satin smooth finish, and highlights the pyrographic detail of the piece with a low gloss appearance.
This piece is available at Ebay now and can be purchased Direct from Artist. Follow this link Geronimo on Ebay to purchase this wooden treasure today.
Many more items are available including custom wood portraits at the Knothole Gift Shop. Custom portraits are burned into a variety of wood plaques of your choice. Portraits can include family, friends, animals, pets or vehicles such as old trucks or motorcycles. A wonderful gift using the art of pyrography on wood.
Schedule an appointment with the Artist today through her email following the link.
Coming soon....Qannah Parker....Pyrography on Wood continues featuring, number 2 in the Great American Indian Chiefs, by the Knothole.
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